Welcome to Renew Counselling & Health Coaching

Serving in person and virtual clients across the globe.

Inspiring individuals to overcome their biggest challenges and build healthy relationships with themselves and others.

Let’s embark on a journey to self discovery, empowerment, and holistic well-being.



Renew Counselling & Health Coaching in Kelowna, BC, is a premier mental health service provider with a specialized focus on treating anxiety and depression. This center offers a haven for individuals struggling with these conditions, emphasizing roles such as ‘Counsellor Depression’ and ‘Anxiety Therapist.’ The team at Renew is renowned for its deep understanding of mental health complexities and includes dedicated ‘Social Anxiety Therapists.’

Some common issues that couples seek counselling for include communication, trust, infidelity, financial animosity, parenting disagreements, and sexual issues.

Couples counselling is not just about resolving immediate issues; it’s about equipping you and your partner with the skills to build a lasting and fulfilling future together. Our therapists will help you create a roadmap for your relationship, setting goals, and nurturing the growth of your partnership. You’ll gain valuable insights into each other’s needs and aspirations, and develop strategies to maintain a healthy and thriving relationship long after your counselling journey.

Low self-worth often manifests in subtle yet pervasive ways, affecting various aspects of life. You may find yourself constantly comparing yourself to others, believing that you always come up short.

This can lead to chronic feelings of inadequacy, where no achievement or recognition feels like enough. Over time, these negative self-perceptions can evolve into a deep-seated belief that you’re not deserving of success, happiness, or love. You might struggle with perfectionism, setting unrealistically high standards for yourself, only to feel devastated when you inevitably fall short.

This cycle of self-criticism can also contribute to social withdrawal, as you may fear judgment or rejection from others. In relationships, low self-worth can lead to people-pleasing behaviors, difficulty asserting your needs, or staying in situations that don’t serve you because you believe you don’t deserve better. This chronic devaluation of the self often coexists with anxiety, depression, and a persistent sense of emptiness or dissatisfaction with life.

The weight of these feelings can make it challenging to pursue goals, maintain healthy relationships, or even engage in daily activities, as you may feel unworthy of success or happiness.

Counseling Support:
Counseling can be a transformative space to rebuild self-worth. Through therapy, you’ll explore the root causes of your low self-esteem, challenge negative thought patterns, and develop healthier self-perceptions. By working with a counsellor, you can learn to embrace your strengths, set healthy boundaries, and cultivate a sense of self-compassion. Over time, you’ll begin to see yourself as worthy of love, respect, and happiness.

Narcissistic abuse is an insidious form of psychological manipulation that can deeply impact your sense of self and well-being. Victims often experience a gradual erosion of their self-esteem as the abuser employs tactics like gaslighting, where your reality is constantly questioned, leading you to doubt your perceptions and sanity. Over time, this can result in a loss of self-confidence and a crippling fear of making mistakes. You might find yourself walking on eggshells, constantly second-guessing your actions, words, and even thoughts to avoid conflict or criticism. This hypervigilance can lead to severe anxiety, panic attacks, and a pervasive sense of dread. Emotionally, you may feel isolated and confused, as the narcissist often manipulates situations to make you feel guilty, responsible for their happiness, or unworthy of better treatment. This can create a toxic cycle where you begin to internalize the abuser’s negative perceptions of you, believing that you are inherently flawed or deserving of mistreatment. Over time, the effects of narcissistic abuse can manifest as depression, PTSD-like symptoms, and a profound sense of hopelessness, making it difficult to envision a future free from the abuser’s control.

Counseling Support:

Counseling provides a safe and supportive environment to process the trauma of narcissistic abuse. A skilled therapist can help you untangle the web of manipulation, rebuild your sense of self, and regain your confidence. Therapy can also offer tools to set healthy boundaries and avoid falling into similar patterns in the future. Through consistent support, you can reclaim your life and move forward with renewed strength.

Grief is a complex and deeply personal experience that can affect every facet of your life. Initially, you may feel an overwhelming sense of shock and disbelief, as if the loss hasn’t fully registered. This can be accompanied by intense emotional pain, manifesting as deep sadness, yearning, or a sense of emptiness that feels impossible to fill.

Grief can also bring about a wide range of emotions, including anger, guilt, and anxiety. You might find yourself replaying events leading up to the loss, wondering if you could have done something differently, or feeling guilty for not expressing certain things while your loved one was still alive.

Physically, grief can take a toll on your body, leading to symptoms such as fatigue, difficulty sleeping, changes in appetite, and even physical aches and pains. Cognitive symptoms include difficulty concentrating, forgetfulness, and a general sense of being overwhelmed by even the smallest tasks. Grief can also disrupt your daily routines and relationships, as you may struggle to engage in activities you once enjoyed or withdraw from social connections out of fear of burdening others with your pain. The intensity and unpredictability of grief can make it feel like a never-ending cycle, with good days quickly overshadowed by waves of sadness and longing. 

Counseling Support:

Grief counseling offers a compassionate space to process your loss at your own pace. A counselor can help you explore your feelings, express your pain, and find meaning in your experience. Grief therapy can also provide tools to cope with the emotional and physical symptoms of grief, allowing you to move through your loss with greater resilience. In time, counseling can help you honor your loved one’s memory while finding a way to live fully again.

Traumatic stress is a severe response to a distressing or life-threatening event, and its symptoms can be wide-ranging and deeply disruptive. Immediately following the trauma, you might experience shock, denial, or disbelief, feeling numb or detached from reality. As time passes, these initial reactions can give way to more persistent symptoms, such as intrusive memories, flashbacks, or nightmares that force you to relive the traumatic event over and over again.

This can lead to hyperarousal, where you’re constantly on edge, easily startled, and unable to relax or feel safe. You may also find yourself avoiding places, people, or activities that remind you of the trauma, which can significantly limit your ability to engage in daily life. Emotional numbness is another common symptom, where you might feel detached from your emotions, loved ones, or even from yourself, as if you’re merely going through the motions of life without truly experiencing it.

This detachment can lead to feelings of isolation, loneliness, and depression. Traumatic stress often triggers physical symptoms as well, such as headaches, muscle tension, gastrointestinal issues, and chronic fatigue. The emotional toll of traumatic stress can erode your self-esteem, create difficulties in trusting others, and foster a persistent sense of hopelessness, making it challenging to see a way forward.

Counseling Support:
Trauma-focused counseling can be essential in healing from traumatic stress. Through evidence-based somatic approaches or trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy, a therapist can help you process the trauma safely and gradually. Counseling provides a supportive environment to work through painful memories, reduce symptoms, and regain a sense of safety and control. Over time, you can rebuild your life without the trauma dictating your present and future.

Discover Inner Peace and Emotional Balance

Anger is a natural human emotion that everyone experiences from time to time. However, when anger becomes uncontrolled or expressed in destructive ways, it can negatively impact our relationships, well-being, and overall quality of life. Anger management therapy offers effective strategies and tools to help individuals gain control over their anger, fostering healthier responses and promoting emotional balance.

Understanding Anger:

Anger is often a response to perceived threats, injustices, or frustrations. It can manifest in various ways, ranging from mild annoyance to intense rage. Uncontrolled anger can lead to impulsive actions, damaged relationships, and a compromised mental and physical state. By understanding the root causes of anger and its triggers, individuals can begin the journey toward managing and transforming this powerful emotion.

The Importance of Anger Management Therapy:

Anger is a  guided process that helps individuals identify and address the underlying issues fueling their anger. It equips them with essential skills to manage anger constructively, fostering healthier responses in challenging situations. Through therapy, individuals learn to recognize the signs of anger, develop effective communication techniques, enhance emotional intelligence, and cultivate self-awareness.

Bettie brings over 25 years of experience in anger management, addictions, domestic violence, and trauma. She is passionate about helping her clients get to the root of their anger and resolve the underlying issues driving the emotional outbursts. Book your free consultation here: https://renewcoach.ca/about-bettie-loutomashewski/.

Addiction can bankrupt so many facets of your life, our Recover Coaches know this first hand. Bettie has been working in addictions for over 25 years, while Bobbi and Julie have travelled the journey from addiction to sobriety themselves. They know what it’s like to reach the point in your life when things become almost unrecognizable, as well as what it is like to live with the guilt, shame, and self-hate that addiction can cause.

If you feel powerless and hopeless over your addiction, we’re here to say we get it, and there is hope! There comes the point when alcohol and drugs can no longer numb the pain, and you recognize that becoming sober is not something you can do on your own. Trust me; (Bobbi) I attempted to stop the cycle of insanity many times on my own before I finally surrendered to the notion that I couldn’t do it alone. That is when I began my beautiful journey to recovery and freedom.

“I didn’t want to be an alcoholic, drinking was my favorite thing!” (Julie)

“It relieved my stress after a long day of mommin’, it was my reward when I did something right, it was in all the celebrations I made up so we could have a party. Alcohol Abuse Disorder had me.” (Julie)

Bobbi and Julie have both decided to take their recovery one step further, and are now passionate about helping others break free from their addiction and chaos. As a Recovery Coach, they will collaborate with you to build an individually tailored plan that is suitable and sustainable to achieve your physical and emotional sobriety goals. Whether you are at the beginning of your journey, have recently left a program and need additional support transitioning back into everyday life, or have been in recovery for a while but are feeling like you have “plateaued,” we can help.
Together, our Recover Coaches and therapists combine 30 years of addiction counselling with first hand personal experience, to bring you a powerful formula in overcoming your addiction.
Stop suffering in silence and reach out for the help you deserve; we get you, and we’ve got you!

Recovery Coaching

Counseling Support:
Recovery coaching provides personalized support across various aspects of life where healing and rebuilding are needed. Whether you’re recovering from substance abuse, a broken relationship, grief, a medical event, or emotional burnout, a recovery coach offers guidance and tools to help you regain control and move forward with resilience.

In substance or alcohol abuse recovery, a recovery coach helps you maintain sobriety by developing strategies to manage cravings, avoid triggers, and build a supportive lifestyle. They also work with you to rebuild self-worth, restore relationships, and address the underlying causes of addiction.

For relationship recovery, whether from a breakup, divorce, or toxic relationship, a recovery coach assists in rebuilding your sense of self. They provide a safe space to process emotions, set new boundaries, and regain confidence in forming healthy relationships.

During grief recovery, a coach offers compassionate support, helping you navigate the stages of grief, express your emotions, and find meaning after a loss. They guide you in re-engaging with life, strengthening your resilience, and finding joy again.

If you’re recovering from a medical event, a recovery coach helps you adjust to new realities and set realistic recovery goals. They provide emotional support as you cope with changes in identity and manage fears of recurrence, helping you embrace a positive outlook.

In emotional burnout recovery, a coach helps you reconnect with your passions, find balance, and restore your energy. They work with you to identify the sources of burnout, develop stress management strategies, and prioritize self-care, guiding you back to emotional well-being.

Overall, a recovery coach offers ongoing support, encouragement, and accountability, helping you overcome obstacles and create a personalized plan for a renewed and fulfilling life. With their guidance, you can transform your recovery journey into an opportunity for lasting change and personal growth.

PMDD is a severe and debilitating form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) that can significantly impact your emotional and physical well-being. The symptoms typically begin in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, about one to two weeks before menstruation, and can include extreme mood swings, where you may feel irritable, angry, or severely depressed without an apparent cause.

These mood changes can be so intense that they interfere with your relationships, work, and daily activities. You might also experience heightened anxiety, feeling on edge, or overwhelmed by even minor stressors.

Depression associated with PMDD can lead to feelings of hopelessness, self-loathing, and, in some cases, suicidal thoughts. Physically, PMDD can cause severe bloating, breast tenderness, headaches, and joint or muscle pain, which can further contribute to feelings of discomfort and distress.

Fatigue is another common symptom, making it difficult to find the energy for daily tasks or social interactions. Cognitive symptoms, such as difficulty concentrating, forgetfulness, or feeling mentally foggy, are also common and can exacerbate feelings of frustration or inadequacy.

The cyclical nature of PMDD means that these symptoms recur every month, creating a relentless cycle of emotional and physical turmoil that can be incredibly challenging to manage without support.

Counseling Support:
Counseling for PMDD can help you manage the emotional and psychological symptoms associated with the disorder. Through therapy, you can develop strategies to cope with mood swings, reduce anxiety, and improve your overall emotional resilience. A counselor may also work with you to explore any underlying issues that may exacerbate PMDD symptoms, such as stress or unresolved trauma. By incorporating therapy into your treatment plan, you can gain better control over your symptoms and improve your quality of life.

9D Breathwork is a groundbreaking approach to wellness and healing, merging advanced breathwork techniques with a multi-dimensional sound experience. Imagine deep conscious breathing enhanced by binaural beats, guided coaching, 432Hz harmonic tuning, Solfeggio frequencies, subliminal hypnotic therapy, and bio-acoustic sound effects. This combination creates a powerful journey into your subconscious mind, helping you release what no longer serves you and embrace what does.