Weight Loss / Binge Eating

Ready to rapidly transform your relationship with food and put a STOP to late night snacking, emotional eating, and even binge eating?

I’ve got you!

Does this sound like you?

  • Do you find that your cravings escalate until you can’t resist them anymore leading to loss-of- control eating and guilt?
  • Do you spend massive amounts of time and energy thinking about food, your weight, and the regrets you have about your lack of control?
  • Does your lack of confidence & worry about your weight keep you from attending social events, dating, or activities with your friends & family?
  • Do you find yourself feeling angry or guilty towards yourself after you consume foods that are “unhealthy” or “fattening”?
  • Do you feel hopeless because the more you try to lose weight, the more you seem to want to eat?
  • Do you worry that your inability to control your eating habits is going to rob you of your self- esteem, your health, and ultimately your happiness for the rest of your life?

You recognize that you CANNOT do it alone.

The cravings and loss of control have been winning for years, and you are exhausted from going at it alone.

You are FED UP with living in this emotional rollercoaster and you are ready to transform your life.

Join hundreds of women who felt just like you but have now
repaired their relationship with food & their bodies!

  • No More Loss of Control
  • No More Shame
  • No More Guilt
  • No More Self Doubt

Destroy your binge eating, late night
cravings and the emotional roller coaster

No more:

Feeling guilt and shame over every bite of food you take.

Waking up feeling bloated, regretful, and in pain all the time.

Feeling tired of missing out on social events, travel, and other life pleasures because you don’t feel confident with who you are in your body.

Feeling sluggish, unhappy, and unhealthy.

You recognize that you CANNOT do it alone.

The cravings and loss of control have been winning for years, and you are exhausted from going at it alone.

You are FED UP with living in this emotional roller coaster and you are ready to transform your life.

Join hundreds of women who felt just like you but have now repaired their relationship with food & their bodies!


Let’s trade all that in for:

Weight Loss
A Healthy Relationship with Food & Your Body

Ask yourself…

  • How many diets have you tried in the past?
  • Have you lost weight in the past only to gain it back with a vengeance?
  • How many “last suppers” have you had? In other words, how many times have you emptied all the treats in the house because you were starting a new diet the next day?
  • Does your relationship with food and your body keep you up at night?
  • Lastly…are you willing try a NEW formula? A step-by-step plan that will NOT make you give up one food you love. A plan that matches your lifestyle and won’t make you feel like you’ve given up everything you love?

If you are coachable,
committed, and ready

to repair your relationship with
food & your body, “I’ve got you!”

Binge eating, emotional eating, and late night cravings are super easy to STOP with my simple formula!

Once women learn a few simple, life changing tweaks they need to make, they gain complete control over their eating and they start shedding pounds with ease.

Today is the day you take over to put a stop on your addiction for food!

Feel free and in control again with the Binge & BodyFreedom Academy, where you will learn all the secrets it takes to gain full control of your eating habits and start loving the woman staring back at you in the mirror.

Best of all…I will never ask you to give up one food you love, you will never feel restricted or hungry, and I will give you a plan you can follow for the rest of your life.


Boost your self love, and improve
your relationship with food!

After this plan YOU CAN…

Control Your Eating Habits
Even if you’ve tried everything before.
Wake Up with ZERO Guilt
No remorse about last night’s binge
Lose 20, 50, or Even 100 Pounds
Without giving up one food you love!
Fit Those Jeans
Yes, the ones that have been at the back of your closet for years
Feel Proud Each Day
Wake up confident with who you see looking back at you

Hundreds of women have stopped binge eating


Emotional eating, cravings, bad habits, social gatherings, lack of willpower, stress, time management, you name it, I’ve heard it, and I have helped so women beat the years and years of excuses that have prevented them from repairing their relationship with food & finding self love.

All you need to bring to the table is COMMITMENT & THE ABILITY TO BE COACHABLE. If you have those 2 things, I’ve got you girl!

No matter how long you’ve been battling the inability to control your eating habits, and not matter how many systems you’ve tried, MY SECRET FORMULA WORKS! You don’t have to live with feelings of shame or guilt, YOU CAN learn to view food in a completely different way, and YOU CAN manage those emotions without food.

You can wake up in the morning and say “HOLY SH&%” I did it! I didn’t give into the cravings and to be honest, I didn’t even want to…

My Story

Standing in the driveway weighing 114 pounds yelling and crying “you don’t want this?” Back then, I thought that my weight determined my worth. I thought that the faster and longer I ran, and the more ribs you could see protruding from my body, the more desirable and worthy I would be. There I was at the mercy of a man who berated me down to nothing, convinced me to abandon everyone in my life including my dear parents in order to claim me for himself and protect his fears of being alone.

It’s not that I lacked intelligence, or that I was naive. It’s that these men (and women) can be so charming, charismatic, and manipulative that you are blinded by the display of false confidence and deception. After the storm, I only had two options. Remain in pain and suffering and allow his words and his abuse to continue to rob me of my life, or to take that experience, learn, grow, and not ever let it happen again! I chose the latter, and now I’m making it my mission to help other women recover, grow, and unleash their super hero!

My eating disorders started long before this however…

I don’t know if I can remember a day when I didn’t think about my weight, or every bite of food I put in my mouth. I started dieting at such a young age, I have no recollection of enjoying a meal, a snack or dessert without some sort of guilt or shame around it. Dieting lead to starvation, and the more skin & bones I was, the more my confidence grew, the more I thought I would be loved and desired, I mean the thinner we are, the more worthy we are no?
This starvation and restriction can only go on so long, eventually, I started to eat again and again, and again…back then I had no idea about the primal brain and that no matter how much willpower I had, the primal brain would win, and I would binge.

Fast forward to today, after years of battling with restricting and bingeing, with shame and guilt. I’m at a place where I can find pleasure in food, I have no need to restrict and therefor no bingeing. My weight doesn’t cycle up and down as I’ve found a system that allows me to enjoy life’s pleasures, while maintaining a healthy weight, and the best part is, I have learned to love myself from the inside out. Am I perfect? Absolutely NOT, but that’s not what I strive for. I strive for health first, strength, and the happiness with my body is just a bi-product of my healthy lifestyle.

If you’re ready to ditch the dieting and the roller coaster of emotions that comes with it, if you’re ready to embark on a journey that allows you to enjoy life’s pleasures while having the body you want, and if you’re ready repair your relationship with food and no longer feel a prisoner to it, let’s work together!